Going For a Trifecta

spartan collageI have run the Spartan Sprint race for 3 years now and last year David and I really wanted to do a Trifecta this year. For those of you who don’t know what a Trifecta is, Spartan has three main levels of difficulty and you can earn a Trifecta by completing these three levels of races. The first being a Spartan Sprint which is 3-5 miles with 20+ obstacles, the second is the Spartan Super which is 8-10 miles with 25+ obstacles, and the last is the Spartan Beast which is 10-12 miles with 30+ obstacles.

The first year I ran Spartan was 2013 and I was just getting into running. I completed it by myself and did alright with my time and the obstacles. The second year was 2014 and I had a tumor in my abdomen that made running difficult due to the pain but I still pressed on with the help of my team. The third year, this year, David and I weren’t going to do it because I just had a c-section for the second time and I was only 8 weeks post partum. However, the more I thought about it the more I was craving to do it. So being the last minute decision maker that I am, if I even make a decision, David and I signed up the Friday before the Arizona Spartan Sprint.

This year the race was the longest and hardest its ever been! The first year I made it through with no problem, last year I had a bit of a struggle as they added new obstacles, but this year they really upped the anti. Spartan not only made the race 4.8 miles this year, they also add many new obstacles and added a lot more weight to the already existing obstacles. This kicked our ass but we made it through and we shaved 40 minutes off of our run time compared to last year! This only fueled our fire!

spartan courage

Now we are currently signed up for the Spartan Super in Las Vegas and the Spartan Beast in SoCal/Temecula and we can not wait! We are probably going to have our asses handed to us but I can’t wait! We have even hired a personal trainer for the next 2 months to help prepare us where we lack in physical strength and endurance. Some people may think we are crazy for spending money on a race and a personal trainer but those people don’t understand the Spartan community and how much Spartan races cause you to push yourself to levels you never thought possible.

So after everything, this will be our year to complete our Trifecta and it will not be the first. Wish us luck in our training and feel free to challenge us in our burpees as god knows we need it! AROO!

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