Ice Cream 5k

Though I had a run set up this same weekend, I couldn’t help but want to go for a groupon for an Ice Cream Run. I read through the description and the run stated that it was an obstacle run with unlimited amounts of ice cream and toppings at the end. I’m not a huge ice cream person but stating that it was an obstacle run on top of that really grabbed my attention.

After I purchased my groupon, I tried to register on this site and it just wouldn’t work. I waited a day and nothing still. Eventually I decided to contact someone about it when the site stated that registration was closed. I did receive a response promptly stating that I would need to arrive early to the run to register.  Because runs are normally a ways away from where I live, I always prefer to sleep in as much as I can, lol.
This was my boyfriend’s first 5k run so I was pretty excited for him when we arrived. We got out and made our way to the registration area and waited a little while in line. We finally made it to the front, filled out our forms(we had to wait for a pen), got our shirts and bibs and made out way to the starting line. The shirts were awesome dry fit shirts with the girls being pink and the guys green. I love when runs give you nice shirts!
The run started late but we were off to a good start down around the stadium though there wasn’t any arrows or signs giving direction. Once we made it about half way we saw people cutting through the canal. At first I thought it was just people cheating the run which does happen decently often, especially with families but as we got closer to the area it turned out that everyone was going the wrong way. So we cut across the canal as well and started heading the right direction.
There were 2 color stations and one foam station but that is all there was for “obstacles.” No offense to anyone who put the run together but these are not obstacles. There are just stations which should have been stated in the description.
When we finally made to the end we received our Ice Cream Medals and headed for some ice cream. Cold Stone was the company providing the ice cream who had about 5 flavors of ice cream and about 5 different toppings. That was kind of disappointing but there were plenty of other vendors there with samples which was nice.
Overall, I found this run okay solely due to the fact that they stretched what the run consisted of. I believe if the run would have described itself more accurately I wouldn’t have been as disappointed. However, they do get props for booking a photography company who was willing to allow free downloads on the photos from the run.

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