Summer Running Must Haves

summer running must havesWith the summer heat here, its time to step up your running gear and not be left stranded in the heat unprepared. Here are some of the best summer running must haves to add to your gear for summer.

A Running Belt

Most of you may remember my review of the FlipBelt a couple of months ago and how much I loved it. Well the Stealth Belt has the same handy features and the FlipBelt but at a lower price! The Stealth Belt allows you to carry your keys, id, cell phone, etc. all at the convenience of your hip. No matter if you’re sprinting or jogging, this baby stays in place and keeps your hands free.

A Great Summer Playlist

Nothing is more terrible than not having a great playlist lined up and not just one. Before you go out for a run, set up a couple different playlists so that you have one to match whatever running mood you’re in. Maybe you’re feeling beachy, or like soaking up the sun laying out, or maybe just feeling like a kid again and want to listen to some Disney jams. Whatever makes you happy, have it ready to go!

Runner Friendly Earbuds

To continue on with listening to your awesome playlists, make sure you invest in a good set of earbuds. I use to use SkullCandy earbuds because they have awesome sound quality at a great price but the cord always got in the way when running. I’ve since switched to a pair of Silicon Devices earbuds and I’m in love! Not only do they have awesome sound quality and allow you to answer phones call while running, but they also are a steal of a price on Amazon.

A Good Pair of Socks

Your feet are going to smell even more in the summer, there’s no way around it. The heat just causes even more moisture but if you invest a set of good lightweight breathable socks for the summer, it will make all the difference. Your feet will be able to breathe which in turn will help keep your body temperature down.

A Hydration System

Nothing is more important than keeping yourself hydrated while running, especially long distances. Find a water bottle with a strap to hold on to your hand or a hydration pack. Many people prefer a pack as it can hold more water for longer. No matter which option you go with, keep the aqua flowing!

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above in exchange for review from Giveaway Service website. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. 


  1. Tiara says

    A good summer running playlist is a MUST. I only get to running when I hear the beat drop! Haha. I have tried doing the radio and I’ll go from being in the mood, running to something sad & I’m like what is this? Ha!

  2. says

    Sometimes I prefer the quiet when I’m working out, but many times, I have to have good music. It gets my energy up and gives me a beat to move to. I definitely second having a great playlist ready to go!
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  3. Danielle K says

    These are all great tips! I love changing up my workout playlists based on the season and hydration is a major must for the summertime.

  4. CourtneyLynne says

    im totally not a runner lol… I’m the girl if I’m running you better be scared because someone or something is probably chasing me lol… But this is a great list! The few times I’ve ran the right socks and shoes made a huge difference. Never really paid attention to socks before that!

  5. sharon phillips says

    Great ideas there. Very smart ones. Staying cool is so important in this heat. Being hydrated I think is the #1 priority. Great to have a nice set of earbuds too. Love music while I do different things.

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