Foam Roll Your Sore Muscles For a Quicker Recovery

You know when you’re starting a new workout regime and after the first day of a new exercise your body feels beat? You can barely walk or move from the muscle soreness? Enter the magic of muscle foam rollers.

foam rollerSelf-myofascial release or more commonly known as foam rolling, use to be a common practice only athletes used to release and ease tight muscles. By applying pressure to sore muscles on your body you are able to aid in quicker muscle recovery so that they are ready to go for your next workout. I had only discovered foam rollers at my gym a few months back when my hammies were killing me. I saw a couple of people rolling out their legs and decided to give it a try and holy hell, it hurt so good!

To foam roll properly, all you need to do is apply moderate pressure to whichever muscle group is feeling tight and roll back and forth using the roller and your bodyweight. Be sure not to roll too quickly as your muscles need to feel the pressure for approximately 1 second per inch to start releasing. The pain should be similar to stretching tight muscles, its a little painful but bearable.

Using a muscle foam roller is a no brainer now that I’ve used one consistently. I personally have a Muscle Mauler Max that I love! It has increased high density coverage and a trigger-matrix design.  I know all of that might not sound like much but the more pressure zones allows for a superior massage and maximum coverage for all your tight areas. This particular muscle foam roller comes with a handy little guide to show you how to roll a couple of different muscle groups as well.

Thanks to modern advances, muscle foam rollers can be purchased for home use at a fraction of the cost. So ditch those tennis balls and other random items and grab a foam roller of your own.

**Video Pending**

Product was received in exchange for an honest review. Regardless all thoughts and opinions are my own.



  1. Tiara says

    Thank you for sharing such a great & informative post! This is great info, especially for me since I workout a lot!

  2. says

    I started an intense workout regimen recently, and had to switch my monthly massages to weekly myofascial due to the pain in my back (good pain, but I’ve got arthritis!). Being able to do it myself would be incredible! I will definitely be checking this out, thank you so much :)
    Ashley recently posted…5 Meals from 5 Chicken BreastsMy Profile

  3. says

    This sounds like it can really do the trick for sure. My husband could definitely use something like this since he works out at the gym. I know when I get back into the studio to dance again I will most likely need something like this for a while since it’s been so long since I’ve been there. Thanks for sharing about it!
    Brittnei recently posted…Come Bowl for a Cause in Phoenix!My Profile

  4. CourtneyLynne says

    omg I have this same exact foam roller and absolutely love it!! My toddler has seen me use it so much that she even tried to use it now. It’s the cutest thing ever lol

  5. says

    At the moment I’m waiting for my daughter to come in from Missouri. She just started running herself. I’m definitely going to make her read this Post. She doesn’t need it because she got divorced or anything like that, but I just think it will help her inner being as it helped you. Thanks so much for sharing! :)
    XmasDolly recently posted…Flashback Friday! Let’s be Friends!My Profile

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